Thursday, September 18, 2008

it's all about the Jacksons

So, I'm on the bike ride in a couple of days ago, and what do I find? A slightly folded twenty lying on the pavement up next to the curb.

It was particularly sweet b/c I had just realized that I had left home without my wallet - and I actually needed a little cash for lunch and postage on a package I needed to mail.

And then, about a quarter of a mile down the road, I found two dimes. That's what I'm talkin' about. $20.20, baby.

I have heard it said that we live in a universe of abundance, and finding $20.20 first thing in the morning is pretty good proof. According to Shelli, it's also a pretty coincidental, omen-like message suggesting I go on a vision quest or something. You know 20/20 vision and all that.

So, I'll be keeping my eyes and my ears and my mind open for more discoveries on my morning bike ride in . . . and, on this blog, I'll be sharing what I find.

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