Friday, October 10, 2008

freedom and fear

So on the bike ride in this morning I found myself still thinking about something that was said yesterday in this Christian-Buddhist Dialogue class I'm auditing down at the Div.

"Freedom is not being afraid of any thing that passes through your mind."

The idea is something like this: as we cling to stuff "out there" - as we grasp for a world that is anything other than just what it is - we experience suffering (often manifesting as fear).

The point, you ask? It is this (I think): the clinging and the grasping are what create the fear and result in the suffering. It is not the thing "out there" that keeps any of us from freedom and love. It is, rather, the stickiness of our own mind that constricts our view and prevents our breath-by-breath experience of compassion, wisdom, and interconnectedness. Thus, liberation and lightness are possible to the extent we can take charge of our minds and empty ourselves of expectations, desires, and conditions for how we wish the world to be and, instead, embrace this moment just as it is, pregnant with possibility, potentiality, and power.

A thought for my bike ride home: "the world is as the mind is."

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